- Майкрософт
- Майкрософт
- Микрософт
микрокомпьютер + софт (программное обеспечение)
англ.: Microsoft, microcomputer + software
в названии компании
англ., комп., организация
- Майкрософт
Пример использования
QUESTION: My first question is really quick: Where did you come up with the name Microsoft?
BILL GATES: Well, we were the very first microcomputer software company, so in a sense it's pretty simple, it's microcomputer software just kind of abbreviated. And we knew that we thought we had a lot of potential, so we didn't want to use our own names like make it Gates and Allen, we thought Microsoft sounded really big. So we got the best name because we were first.http://www.microsoft.com/billgates/speeches/2005/10-14Howard.asp
Словарь сокращений и аббревиатур. Академик. 2015.